Apple, 3 weeks back launched its latest model of iPhone. In the first 3 days, it sold 1.7 million iPhones which outsold its previous version of iPhone. Soon after its release, even some issues raised.

In my earlier post i had written about the issue of antenna which is seen in Apple's latest iPhone. After hearing a number of complaints from the customers, finally, Apple Inc. has arranged a press conference which will be held on Friday. Apple Inc. will be discussing about their latest iPhone based on the complaints received regarding its antenna.
After a careful testing on the Apple's latest model of iPhone, Consumer Reports has concluded that when the iPhone is held in a certain way, the signal bar displayed is incorrect. Earlier Apple had told that they were using incorrect formula to indicate the signal strength and this can also be seen on other phones as well. But, Consumer Products did not find any signal problem in other phones. The signal problem occured only in latest iPhone model.

Consumer Products also have said that, covering the black spot with a case or a duct tape will eliminate the Signal problem. Now the speculations is that, Apple should provide "Bumper" case to the iPhone buyers which costs $29.